Here are the solutions to a number of common problems that users may encounter. If you need help with something else or the solution suggested here, doesn't work for you, please contact our designer using the email below...
Q. I can’t find my files after they have downloaded?
Depending on your choice of web browser and your personal internet settings you may find your files harder to find after they have downloaded. If you are having trouble locating files that you have downloaded from the website, search the ‘downloads’ folder on your computer.
Q. How do I Unzip my downloaded file?
A lot of the files on our website are contained in compressed ‘zip’ files/folders.
Most web browsers and apple computers these days will automatically unzip these files once you attempt to open them, but if your on a PC and this is not happening, you can right click on the zip files and select ‘Extract All’ to create an unzipped folder containing your files.
Q. How do I save my PDF as a JPG (so that I can share it to social media)?
If you have access to design software there are a number of ways you can create a JPG from a PDF, but for the majority of people it may seem easiest to simply take a 'screen capture' and then post this to our social media. Unfortunately this does not usually have the best visual results, so I have investigated a number of online options that can save word documents into jpgs with relatively simple 'drag and drop' functions. The options provided here are free and fairly user friendly, however because of their FREE nature, they may limit how many times you can use them in a single 24 hour period (which is why I have provided a few options)....
Q. The picture gallery on the website isn’t viewing properly, what do I do?
The picture galleries on our website use a '3rd party' application. Most of the time they work very well, but sometimes the server has trouble connecting to the 3rd party supplier and an error message is displayed instead of the images. Simply refresh the page and the picture gallery should view properly once the page reloads.
Q. The Officeworks website is telling me the banner size of my PDF is wrong?
Our banners include ‘bleed art’ along the edges, this means there is a few extra mm of graphics running outside the border on each edge of the banners. This is so that once the banners are trimmed down during production there will be no strange lines near the edge (which can happen if there is no bleed art). You may need to speak with a staff member to let them know that your PDF has 'bleed art' before supplying your file to them.
Q. My Editable document isn't opening with the same fonts shown in the demonstration image, What should I do?
Most of the documents supplied here that include editable text areas use standard fonts that are pre-installed on most machines ('arial' and 'impact'). If your fonts swap to something else you may need to check that you have arial & Impact installed on your computer.
FURTHER NOTE: Our event flyers use a special font that is available for download on the 'event flyer' page. This should be installed before editing any of the documents from this page.