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FTD Paint & Decor

Scroll below to learn more about our paint & decor guides for setting up the interior of your FTD....

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Mirrors & Mats

All Full Time Dojos will include foam mats within the training area of the room. We dominantly use standard Red & Blue mats available from SMAI, but this should be discussed with your Zone director to determine the best action for you based on the options available to your location.

Most Full Time Dojo's will also include mirrors along the main front wall of the training space. These mirrors can be sourced locally but should either be 180cm high or 150cm high (if you have a low ceiling). The mirrors should allow for good coverage of the training space (from 60-90% of the total length of the wall depending on the size of your room).

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Red & Black Border Stripe

A lot of our FTD's are situated in Industrial spaces and have ceilings that can be in the range of 6-7m high. Rather then paint the entire height of these walls we often paint the bottom 3-3.5 metres only, and place a red & Black border between the join of our white painted area and the concrete area above. 

NOTE: FTD's with low ceilings (3.5m and under) may not need a border stripe at the top of the wall at all since you can probably paint the entire wall.

The red stripe goes on top and the black stripe goes on the bottom.
Both are usually produced using thin lengths of MDF wood (approx. 67mm wide) that is painted and then attached to the wall. We often use The British paint colours: 'Black Ace' for the black section and "Red Alert" for the red.



The Red +Black Stripe can either form a frame around the top of the Logo at the front wall of the Training Area (shown in the left image) or the border can stop at the sides of the Logo as shown in the image on the right.

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Black Wall Trim (base of wall)

Most centres have a black border at the base of each wall in the training area just to break up the White wall (It can be a bit stark if the whole wall is an unbroken white colour).

In most cases the height of this border is 15cm but it can be adjusted depending on the space you are working on (larger rooms may need a slightly larger border etc...)

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Grey Accent Walls

You may want to add some extra colour to some of the walls in your Dojo to break up the white space. Usually these accent walls are located at the back of the room, or in the spectator area ( but never the training area itself).

The 'British Paints" colour :"Animal Kingdom" is the official GKR FTD Grey for accent walls.



Carpet Tiles

If your FTD does not already have flooring (aside from your matted area) then we advise the use of a dark grey/mottled style carpet Tiles. Carpet Tiles are available from Bunnings, but you may be able to secure more cost effective alternatives as well. 

​The Grey/Mottled texture allows for easy maintenance and a professional finish that some other colour options don't provide.




In some locations (especially larger Dojos) the cost of carpet tiles may become too high. In these cases you may consider painting the concrete floor around your training area using grey concrete paint instead (available at Bunnings) . When you do this we suggest you include a mix that helps prevent people slipping when the concrete is wet (you can mix this into the paint before painting the floor). If you decided to pursue this option we still advise the use of carpet around the reception/foyer area of the dojo to maintain a professional finish, this will limit the painted concrete areas to walkways and large spectator areas only. 

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Eventually you will need seating for spectators. In most cases standard white marque chairs have been purchased from Bunnings to be positioned in our spectator spaces as best suits the location (the best part about the marque chairs as opposed to something more permanent is that they can be repositioned for gradings and tournaments).

Alternatively, you may have access to alternate seating options for your spectator space. We are happy for you to arrange this area as creatively (or economically) as you wish, but please get approval from your ZD and the club VP first.

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The White Cubed Storage units available from Bunnings are a versatile option for most FTD's. You can select the unit size that you want based on your requirements. They have an aesthetic that matches the look of our branding and are practical in a wide number of situations. 

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Amenity Signage

You can purchase simple stickers at either 'Bunnings' or 'Office works' that can be mounted to your walls to mark out the locations of your toilets and fire extinguishers.


Tiled Border Pattern

In some FTD's we have used a Tiled border design on some of our walls. This is usually applied to the same feature wall that has the Dojo Kun mounted on it. In these instances the Feature area replaces the Black and Red strip that would otherwise be present between the solid white and unpainted cement sections of the wall.

This feature is not present on all FTD's and its use is at the discretion of the RM, ZD and our club VP.

You can download instructions for creating this border pattern below...


Black Accent Areas

In some FTD's the existing features of the location may lend themselves to having Black accent paint applied. These areas would mainly be the pillars or beams of your building.

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